What is learning? Role of training in learning, Learning process, and Factors influencing the learning process

What is learning?

Learning is a course of action, which changes the behavior of any individual. It is a human process by which skills, knowledge, habits, and attitudes are acquired and utilized in such a way that behavior is modified. When anyone learns something he or she experiences a new behavior over time. It changes the behavior of employees. Change may be good or bad. However, one should learn to avoid bad and proceed for good. Generally, people learn through their personal experiences, stimulated experiences, and other experiences. Change must be permanent. It is a continuous process and should be goal-oriented.

It is the knowledge and skills that a person acquires from the environment based on experience that leads to permanent changes in his behavior. In a general sense only going to school or college is considered learning but actually, it is a continuous process. People can learn knowledge anywhere. There is no limit or hindrance in the learning process like age, gender, place, etc. It is something that takes a certain amount of time and a person must have the ability to learn.

According to Robbins, “Learning is any relatively permanent behavior change that occurs as a result of experience.”

According to Steers and Porter, “Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior potentiality that results from re-inforced practice or experience.”

It is an organization that refers to the process by which employees acquire new skills and knowledge. It should be such that it leads to permanent improvement and change in behavior. It is a new skill but not using it in practice cannot be considered learning in the real sense.

Role of training in learning

The major objectives of training for the organization are discussed below:

Quick learning

Training helps to reduce the learning time to reach an acceptable level of performance. The employees need not learn by observing others. They waste a long time if the formal training program does not exist in the organization. The qualified instructors will help the new employees acquire the skills and knowledge to do particular jobs within a short interval of time.

Higher productivity

Training increases the skill of the employee in the performance of a particular job. An increase in skill usually helps to increase both quantity and quality of output. Training is also of great help to the existing employees. It helps them increase their performance on their present job assignments.

Better management

A manager can make use of training to manage in a better way. To him, training the employees can assist in improving his planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. For instance, maintaining higher standards of quality, building a satisfactory organizational structure, delegating authority, and stimulating employees are all assisted by effective training.

Boost up confidence

Training creates a feeling of confidence in the minds of workers. It gives safety and security to them at the workplace. in other words, training helps to boost the confidence of employees because training gives them the knowledge to work more effectively. So, when they acquire the latest knowledge and skills through training their level of confidence will also go up.

Learn new skills

Training develops new skills which serve as a valuable personal asset for the worker. It remains permanently with the worker himself. By learning new skills, employee’s employability in their present and future job also increases. There are fewer chances to be fired from the job or present organization.

Promotions opportunities

Training offers a way for promotion and self-development. An appropriate level of training is necessary for the employees to get opportunities for promotion. So, training creates better opportunities for promotion.

Process of Learning


Stimulus is any object or language, which draws the attention of people. Learners should be attentive and enthusiastic about learning. The leader should tell and advise the employees to pay attention to stimuli. They should be encouraged so that after learning they will be benefited. The importance should be realized.

Systematic teaching

In this step, the proper teaching method is applied to impact new skills and knowledge. there are different types of teaching methods. The adoption of teaching methods depends on the nature of an organization and the ability of learners. A proper teaching plan should be formulated before conducting the learning process.


The ultimate result of stimuli is response. It is an act that the learner has to perform. The leader should encourage learners to produce responses. The learners may ask questions if they don’t understand the new skill and knowledge. They show their behavior and attitudes. There can be interactions about the positive and negative aspects of learning.


Motivation involves interest and attitude to learn. It is a condition that one inspires for learning. It is an inner drive that makes a person into action and continues in the course of action. Motivation begins even before starting its process. All managers are expected to motivate the employees of their respective departments.


The reward is an incentive that gives satisfaction to a learner. The reward may be monetary or non-monetary. The learner should be rewarded so that he or she will have the impression of learning more. They should be rewarded with a certificate of appreciation or achievement. If she/he is not rewarded, she/he will stop it. In such a situation, there will not be effectiveness in the teaching-learning process.

Factors influencing the learning process

Physiological factors

Factors related to the human body also influence its process. This includes intelligence, age, sex, health, memory power senior physical elements. A healthy and intelligent person can learn many things in a short time.

Social factors

Various social factors directly influence the learning process. Some social factors have a positive effect on the learning process while some factors have a negative effect on it. Especially society itself encourages us to learn subjects that are accepted by society and culture. Society has a positive influence on such learning.

Environmental factors

For the teaching process to be effective, there must be a suitable environment. The teaching process is effective in a clean light and quiet environment. An environment free from noise pollution, air pollution, and extreme heat or cold is ideal for learning.

Nature of learning materials

It process is also influenced by the methods and the nature of the tools used in it. In the formal learning process, the teacher should use audio-visual materials in addition to the explanation method. It increases its effectiveness. The subject matter also influences its process.

Learning process

Elements of its process such as its method, duration of practice, and opportunities for regularity, directly affect learning. Repetitive it is more effective than partial learning. Intervals should be arranged in the course of it. It provides comfort to the trainee and increases its effectiveness.

Reward for learning

How important the content is and how much it benefits the learner also influences its process. A person is always ready to learn knowledge and skills that will increase salary, benefits, value, and reputation within the organization. For this, a person is always ready to study hard, but people do not give special importance to useless knowledge.

Opportunity to practice

Any new skill and knowledge requires practice. New skills are not possible without practice. Therefore, employees in the organization should be provided with opportunities to practice new knowledge and skills. This makes it process effective.

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